

Welcome to Leicestershire CareOnLine

CareOnLine is an award winning service provided by Leicestershire County Council's Adults and Communities, to help vulnerable adults in the community, such as Older People, People with Disabilities and Carers to use computers and the Internet.

We provide a home visit service for advice, support and training to people who have difficulty leaving their home. Our services are designed for people with little or no previous experience of using a computer or people who can no longer use them because of medical condition or age. We can talk to you about how a computer can help your life; you might want information on home care services, have shopping delivered to your door or explore new ways of keeping in touch with family and friends you no longer see. We look for ways to help improve your life and advise on the best equipment to meet your needs.
Our aim is to enable as many people as possible to become familiar and comfortable with computers and help you gain the confidence to use them on your own.
CareOnLine was set up to improve the quality of life of vulnerable adults by:
Reducing isolation and social exclusion.
Making information and services more accessible to everyone.
Provide access to information in your own home at any time of the day or night.
Helping people to retain their independence and make their own decisions.

Telephone: 0116 305 7538